
The independent blog on spectrum policy issues
that welcomes your input on the key policy issues of the day.

Our focus is the relationship between spectrum policy
and technical innnovation.

A net neutrality free zone: We pledge no mention of any net neutrality issues before 2018.

When they deserve it, we don't hesitate to criticize either NAB, CTIA or FCC.

Reboot FCC: Initial Results of Website

Suggestion Scorecard

Last week FCC opened the public version of
reboot.fcc.gov including a call for suggestions in response to 47 issues.  Here is the scorecard of suggestions received as of10:30 AM EST 1/11.  The questions "How can the data released on FCC.gov/data be better formatted so as to be more useful to the public?" is by far the most popular.  Perhaps being first in the list is a major contributor to this lead.

In any case,
vox populi, vox dei, we hope you check up on the suggestions, vote on those that are there, and input your own.  Oddly, using your Facebook account is the easiest way to sign in to input information or to vote.  No, you can not sign in using your FCBA membership or even your FRN.  That says something about the grassroot approach being used here!

Spectrum policy is too important to be left to lobbyists and lawyers!
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