MSS has joined forces with 4 other experienced spectrum experts to offer the best in US spectrum management training through the Radio Spectrum Institute.

From GPS to broadcasting, Wi-Fi to radar, mobile broadband to weather satellites — the uses of the radio spectrum are as broad as the imagination, and demand for wireless bandwidth is growing as fast as the technology that uses it.

Efficient management of the radio spectrum — a limited natural resource — is a vital component of meeting business goals and agency missions. Understanding the practical aspects of how spectrum is managed and regulated provides a strategic advantage to those in the know.

Let the Radio Spectrum Institute bring clarity and practicality to the complex technical, regulatory, and policy issues that govern modern spectrum management. Our expert instructors and detailed courses provide practical first-hand knowledge across all facets of spectrum utilization and management.

Our Expertise is the Difference

Radio Spectrum Institute classes are taught by five veteran spectrum managers with unparalleled expertise — well over 100 years of combined experience in private industry and federal government radio spectrum management. With FCC, NTIA, DoD, cellular, microwave, satellite, radio science, and legal backgrounds — both domestic and international — our expertise fully covers your training needs.

From technology to policy, from smart phones to smart bombs, from the U.S. to the ITU, from D.C. to daylight — the Radio Spectrum Institute has you covered.

Download the Radio Spectrum Institute brochure.

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