Wireless systems cover a wide variety of applications - many shown in this photo. They all have to coexist in spectrum and space. (Boston MA)
MSS is the consulting practice of Michael Marcus, Sc.D., F-IEEE, a veteran of more than 25 years of spectrum policy deliberations, pioneer of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth regulation, experienced in regulatory bodies in 3 continents, and a pioneer in innovative issues solutions to spectrum for new technologies. We are located in the Washington DC area.
Our focus is in solving problems in ways that allow new technologies to reach the market where customers can decide their future. Using our technical background and regulatory experience we seek to turn "zero sum" problems into win-win solutions where new technologies can have market access without disrupting incumbents.
Our focus is radio spectrum, the foundation of wireless services. These wireless services, in turn, have large industries involved in manufacturing and service provision. But they also form a key infrastructure that enhances our public safety and stimulates economic growth throughout our economy.
Where cutting edge radio technologies
get the spectrum policy answers
to become real products!
Pending Presentations
Spoke on
“Does Today's FCC Have Sufficient Decision Making Throughput to Handle the 21st Century Spectrum Policy Workload?’
Paper available here

Speaking at NTIA/ITS-sponsored International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies (ISART) 2017: Spectrum Mining at Millimeter Waves, Boulder CO on August 15-17, 2017
"Opening Parts of 95-450 GHz to Civil Use: Opportunities and Sharing Challenges"
Also check out SpectrumTalk:
An independent blog on spectrum policy and spectrum reform to support technical innovation
Oh yes, America, oh YES. Millimeter-wave cufflinks. On the wrists of OG @MarcusSpecSoln #WFFsummit You know you want them. pic.twitter.com/nE6VBXMLqv
— Maura Corbett (@mauracorbett) October 30, 2017