Bordeaux, France
Publicly Available Outputs of
Marcus Spectrum Solutions
- "Linux, Software Radio and the Radio Amateur", QST, October 2002, p.33-35
- "Interruptible Spectrum: A Policy Prospectus", May 2003 FCC/SPTF working paper
- Original Bykowsky/Marcus 2002 TPRC paper on Interruptible Spectrum: " Facilitating Spectrum Management Reform via Callable/Interruptible Spectrum" (Alternative link)
- "Required Advances in Microwave Devices and Components to Meet the Needs of Future Wireless Telecommunication Systems", Keynote address, International Microwave Symposium 2004
- "Complementary Use of Fixed and Mobile Monitoring for NGSO Systems", Presentation at The 7th International Space Radio Monitoring Workshop, Toulouse, France, September 2004
- "Wireless Communications Standards and Regulations", Presentation at Phoenix IEEE Workshop,
December 2004
- "EMC Paints the Lane Markings on the Wireless Information Highway", Keynote address at EMC Zurich 2005, February 2005 (.ppt 22MB)
- New American Foundation Reply Comments to FCC Proposals on Unlicensed Use of TV Spectrum
- "Research Topics in Unlicensed Spectrum Use", Presentation at An Open Future For Wireless Communications? A Communications Research Network (CRN) Open Day & Workshop.
University of Cambridge (UK), 19-20 April 2005 Press coverage
- " Thoughts on Basic Issues of Spectrum Policy", Presentation at Wireless Utopias 05, Science Museum, London, UK May 2005
- "Unlicensed Cognitive Sharing of TV Spectrum: The Controversy at the Federal Communications Commission", IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2005
- "Observations on Communications Policy and Economic Growth", Presentation at Cambridge-MIT Institute, University of Cambridge (UK), 29 June 2005
- MSS Petition for Reconsideration, Docket 03-108 (Cognitive Radio), June 2005
Reply to Opposition Attachment 1 Attachment 2 August 2005
Ex parte statement October 2005
FCC Memorandum, Opinion & Order granting "in part and deny(ing) in part a petition for reconsideration filed by Marcus Spectrum Solutions('MSS')" April 2007
- "UWB - The Potential and the Controversy", Keynote address at ICU 2005 (International Conference on Ultrawideband) September 2005, Zurich, Switzerland, (.ppt 1.7 MB)
- "Next Generation Spectrum Policy: The Impacts of Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio", Remarks at Dynamic Spectrum Panel, IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). September 2005, Berlin, (.ppt 2.5 MB)
- "Cognitive Radio: The Next Wi-Fi or the Next HiperLAN", Remarks at Cambridge-MIT Institute Wireless Technology Roadmap Workshop, University of Cambrige (UK) , October 2005 (.ppt 2.9 MB)
- New America Foundation Issue Brief: Reclaiming the Vast Wasteland: Why Unlicensed Use of White Space in the TV Bands Will Not Cause Interference to DTV Viewers (Coauthored with Paul Kolodzy and Andrew Lippman) 10/05
- "Real Time Spectrum Markets and Interruptible Spectrum New Concepts of Spectrum Use Enabled by Cognitive Radio", Presentation at IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks 2005 Conference, 11/05 Baltimore, Maryland Published paper, Powerpoint presentation. Also published in Journal Of Communication and Networks, Volume 8, Number 2, p.158-162 (June 2006)
- "The Technology and Politics of Increasing Intensity of Spectrum Use", Presentation at
Symposium on Spectrally Efficient Wireless Communications, University of California San Diego 11//05
- "Impact of Recent ITU-R Recommendations on UWB Development", 2005 International Workshop on UWB Technologies, Yokosuka, Japan, 12/05 (.ppt 3MB)
- "Spot Markets: A Quantum Leap in Spectrum Efficiency?", Policy Tracker, February 2006, p. 10-11
- Presentations at Policy Tracker conference "Unlocking the digital dividend: RRC 06 and beyond",March 2006, London, UK
"Some US-Style Thinking on Economics and the Digital Switchover"
"Spectrum Leasing/Trading: Technical and Legal Issues"
- "Why Unlicensed Use of the White Space in the TV Bands Will Not Cause Interference to the DTV Viewers", 8th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED RADIO TECHNOLOGIES (Invited presentation is Powerpoint version of New America Foundation issue brief) March 2006, Boulder, CO
- "Reconsidering the Ban on In-flight Communications: An American Perspective", In-Transport Communications Conference, April 2006, London UK
- "EIRP or PFD Regulation", Presentation to Agence Nationale de Frequences (French spectrum regulator), April 2006
- "Lessons from Elsewhere: The US Perspective", European Commission Public Workshop on Technical, Regulatory and Economic
Issues Relating to Collective Use of Radio Spectrum, April 2006, Brussels, Belgium
- "A Tale of Two Companies or Why is it so Important to Get Spectrum Policy Right", The Wireless Event , London, UK, May 2006
- MSS filing in Ofcom (U.K.) Spectrum Usage Rights consultation, June 2006
- IEEE Wireless Communications publishes first Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Issues column in June 2006 issue - "Basics of Spectrum Policy for the Wireless Engineer"
- MSS comments in FAA rulemaking that proposes to expand greatly FAA role in review of new licenses or changes in 13 bands.
6/28/06 Initial Comments
9/08/06 Supplemental Comments
- "Why Unlicensed Use of Vacant TV Spectrum Will Not Cause Interference to DTV Viewers", New America Foundation Wireless Futures Program Issue Brief # 19, July 2006 (Update of 10/05 edition, coauthored again with Paul Kolodzy and Andrew Lippman)
- MSS Reply Comments in Docket 06-89 (FCC/NTIA Spectrum Test-bed), July 2006
- "Spectrum Policy Issues and their Impact on Economic Growth", TUDelft/Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Telecommunications Colloquium , September 12, 2006
- "The Big Picture for TV Broadcasting - An American Techie's Viewpoint" PolicyTracker Autumn conference "Unlocking the Digital Dividend: A Pan-European Perspective" September 21,2006, Brussels, Belgium
- "WRC and Its Impact on Wireless Technology", IEEE Wireless Communications, October 2006
- "Legal, Economic & Technical Aspects of ‘Collective Use’ of Spectrum in the European Community" - A major report in which MSS contributed as a subcontractor, has been released by the European Commission.
- "Spectrum Regulation of Wireless Medical Devices in US and Europe", Keynote address at ISMICT - 2006 International Symposium on Medical Information and Communications Technology, December 1,2006, Yokohama, Japan
- "Basics of Transparency for Regulation", Presentation to RATEL (Republic Telecommunications Agency), Belgrade, Serbia, December 2006 (Photos)
-New America Foundation Technical Comments on FNPRM, Docket 04-186 (TV Whitespace Rulemaking) 1/31/07
-"How can the Digital Dividend Be Best Divided", Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar: Digital Dividend Review, February 2007, London, UK. Transcript of remarks and discussions are published in Digital Dividend Review, Westminster eForum, ISBN 978-I-905029-62-4
-"Quantifying the Impact of Unlicensed Devices on Digital TV Receivers",New America Foundation-sponsored study at University of Kansas, Coauthored with Paul Kolodzy, Daniel DePardo, Joseph B. Evans, James A. Roberts, Victor R. Petty, Alexander M. Wyglinski, 1/07
-Technical Comments of New America Foundation, Docket 04-186 ("TV White Spaces"), 1/07
-Technical Reply Comments of New America Foundation, Docket 04-186 ("TV White Spaces"), 3/07
-"CR: Cooperative Radio or Confrontational Radio". IEEE DySPAN, 4/07
-"The Civil Use of Spread Spectrum and the Success of Wi-Fi", 10th Economics of Infrastructures Conference, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, 5/31/07
- "Antennas, NIMBY, and Regulation" IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 14, Issue 3, June 2007 Page(s):4 - 5
-Declaration on behalf of M2Z Networks, Docket 07-16, 8/07
Reply Comments of New America Foundation et al., Docket 04-186, 9/07
- "Unlicensed Spectrum", Presentation to National Telecommunications Commission (Thailand) at University of Florida Public Utility Research Center , 9/07
- "Radio Spectrum Policy and its Impact on the Information Society, Free Speech and Economic Growth", Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 10/07
- "The Underlay/overlay Controversy", IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 14, Issue 5, October 2007 Page(s):4 - 5
- "WAPECS - Europe Moves Towards Technical Flexibility for Wireless Systems", IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 15, Issue 1, February 2008 Page(s):4 - 5
- "Innovative Approaches to Digital Dividend Spectrum Management: Public Safety/Commercial Sharing", Presented at PolicyTracker European Digital Dividend Conference, Brussels, Belgium, March 2008
- "Wi-Fi and Bluetooth - The Path from Carter and Reagan-era Faith in Deregulation to Widespread Products Impacting Our World", THE GENESIS OF UNLICENSED WIRELESS POLICY:An Information Economy Project Conference, George Mason University, 4/08
Introduction by Former FCC Chairman Mark Fowler
Powerpoints used in presentation
- "Harmful Interference: The Definitional Challenge", IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 15, Issue 3, June 2008 Page(s):4 - 7
- "Anatomy of a Spectrum Policy Court Decision", IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 15, Issue 5, October 2008 Page(s):4 - 6
- "New Alternatives for Antenna Siting Issues: Designing for Improved Compatibility with Neighboring
Environment", Presentation to PCIA staff, 1/09
- Marcus FCC Reform Proposals at Reforming the Federal Communications Commission Conference
1/09 (Link to all papers )
- Petition for Reconsideration of Adaptrum Inc., Docket 04-186, 3/09
- "Spectrum Policy Issues for Millimeterwave Systems: Should Early 20th Century Regulatory Concepts Apply to 21st Century Technology?" Keynote address, Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves, Sendai, Japan, 4/09
- "Wi-Fi and Bluetooth: the path from Carter and Reagan-era faith in deregulation to widespread products impacting our world ", info, Vol. 11, No. 5 (2009) p.19-35
- "New Approaches to Private Sector Sharing of Federal Government Spectrum" (Written paper Presentation) 19th Virginia Tech Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications 6/09
- "Sharing Government Spectrum with Private Users: Opportunities and Challenges", IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 16, Issue 3, June 2009 Page(s):4 - 5
- "New Approaches to Private Sector Sharing of Federal Government Spectrum", Issue Brief #26, New American Foundation Wireless Futures Program, presented at The End of Spectrum ‘Scarcity'- Opportunistic Access to the Airwaves 6/09
- Petition of South Carolina Department of Corrections and 28 other states on prison jamming of cellphones, 7/09
- "Where Wi-Fi Came From and the Lessons it Taught Us", Presentation at National Instruments NIWeek2009. Austin TX , 8/09
- "New Approaches to Private Sector Sharing of Federal Government Spectrum", Presentation to the Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), 8/09
- "Spectrum Inventory Issues", IEEE Wireless Communications, 8/09, p. 4-5
- "Radio Technical Innovation and Spectrum Policy: A Help or a Hindrance", Keynote/banquet address, Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Conference (PIMRC2009), Tokyo, Japan 9/09
- "Measurements and Analysis of Secondary User Device Effects on Digital Television Receivers," (with several coauthors) EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2009, 2009
- "2009 Regulatory Review: The Year of Rebuilding and Preparing for New Initiatives", Wireless Design and Development, Nov/Dec 2009, Supplement p.11-12
- "Wireless Innovation and Spectrum Policy: FCC Opens a New Inquiry", IEEE Wireless Communications, December, 2009
- "Opinion: is the FCC seeing the light over broadcast spectrum?", PolicyTracker, January 18, 2010
- "Europe Contemplates Cognitive Radio Policies", Michael J. Marcus, IEEE Wireless Communications, February 2010
- Comments on Docket 10-43 (ex parte rules), March, 2010
- "Cognitive Radio Under Conservative Regulatory Environments - Lessons Learned and Near Term Options". IEEE DySPAN, April 2010, Singapore
- "Spectrum Issues in FCC's National Broadband Plan", IEEE Wireless Communications, April 2010
- "Update on Medical Wireless Issues in USA: The NIMBY Effect", Presentation at Yokohama National University, April 2010
- "The National Broadband Plan & Wireless", Presentation at Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, Tokyo, April 2010
- "Sharing Federal Government Spectrum: Practical Problems & An Alternative Approach", NTIA ISART, Boulder, CO, July 2010
- "Spread Spectrum – The Path from Theory to Spectrum Policy to Commercial Use", Keynote address at 2010 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications & 2010 International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Taichung, Taiwan R.O.C., October 2010
- "Wireless Research Topics with Spectrum Policy Significance", IEEE Wireless Communications, December, 2010
- "Unlicensed Devices & FCC Enforcement", FCBA presentation, January 2011
-"Can Cognitive Radio Technology Help Solve Some Difficult Spectrum Management Issues by Creating 'Virtual Guardbands' "?, IEEE Wireless Communications, April 2011
- "Thoughts on Radar/Communications Spectrum Sharing", ISART 2011, July 2011
- "Avoiding Interference in Cognitive Radio", Americas Spectrum Management Conference, Washington DC, October 2011
- "Whitespace Communications and the Adaptive Sharing of TV Channels in the USA", IEEE RWW 2012, Santa Clara, CA, January 2012
- "The Future of Sharing Satellite Downlink Bands withTerrestrial Communications", IEEE RWW 2012, Santa Clara, CA, January 2012

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Japanese Language Publications
Interview with Rep. Takemoto in Bamboo Journal, Heisei 13, No. 2 (2001). Several topics, although after the Beijing Olympics the section on Osaka's Olympic bid seems rather dated now. (In Japanese and English.)
Interview with Dr. Marcus in 20 January 2003 issue of Nikkei Electronics (In Japanese)
Article on software defined radio and its possible impact on amateur radio, CQ ham radio, January 2004. (In Japanese - Note the article erroneously lists James Miller as the translator, he should be listed as coauthor.)
On Designing a National Communications Regulator for Japan - Presentation at Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communications Workshop, Osaka, July 4, 2010 Longer published version (English version; Longer English version for Doshisha University International Institute of American Studies, Kyoto)