Virginia Tech to Teach Graduate Course on Spectrum Policy in DC Area

Virginia Tech’s Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be offering a graduate course entitled “Spectrum Policy and Wireless Innovation” (ECE 5984) for the Spring Term beginning January 28 at its Northern Virginia Center in Falls Church, VA next to the West Falls Church Metro. Students at the main campus in Blacksburg, and possibly Lynchburg, will participate via a video link.
Here is a description of the course:
This course will review the legal and technical issues in spectrum management, focusing on the issues involved in bringing a new radio technology into operational use in today’s spectrum environment. The discussion will focus on the US regulatory system, but of necessity will include the impact of the International Telecommunications Union and bilateral agreements with Canada and Mexico. The course will use ongoing and recent FCC spectrum proceedings as case studies. Students will be asked to read and discuss actual FCC filings on technical spectrum policy controversies and then write their own draft comments for FCC on their analyses of the issues involved. Students will be encouraged, but not required, to file with FCC their analysis of a current issue. Several outside speakers will give independent viewpoints on basic issues.
While the course is open to all current Virginia Tech graduate students, it is also open to others under the Virginia Tech Commonwealth Campus program, effectively a “special student” status. Students must apply to the Commonwealth Campus program before enrolling in the course.
The tuition for this 3 hour course is given here. I believe, but do not guarantee, this means $2,162.75 total cost for Virginia residents and $4,140.00 for others.
As you probably guessed, your blogger is the instructor although, as stated above, there will be other guest speakers for divergent viewpoints. If you have any questions, please contact me here. Please share this with others who may be interested.